Mislav Stanic
Merged in a post:
[Flutter SDK] Introduce support for Android 5 and 6
Peter Simic
The screenshot is not captured on devices with Android versions lower than 7.0. Taking a screenshot on those devices captures just a black screen.
That is currently a limitation but would be good to support it so users with old devices can use Shake.
Petra Gluhak
Merged in a post:
Flutter SDK with Android API 21 Support
We still need support for Android API 21.
Why the Flutter SDK requires API 24 while the Android SDK require only API 21?
Petra Gluhak
Hi Simon, we currently do not support android API 21 on Flutter SDK because of the limitations with how screenshots are taken. SurfaceView can't be screenshotted the "normal" way, so we use PixelCopy to do the job. The minimal API supported by PixelCopy is 24, hence the minimum requirement. You'll be automatically notified when it gets addressed.
Petra Gluhak: Thanks for the response. Maybe instead of taking the screenshot with Android's SDK, do it the Flutter way https://pub.dev/packages/screenshot
Petra Gluhak
Simon: Thank you for the suggestion, we'll look into that option.
Frank Fumarola
Petra Gluhak Any progress? Using flutters screenshot methods would also help us.